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My name is Susanti Setiawaty.I’m the principal of Trimulia Senior High School.
Dear Parents, when we are talking about high school, it is the most important stage of life.
High school students are preparing to face the University.
We shall prepare students by creating a uniquely qualified person.
A person who fear in God, and hold on to their integrity all the way down through their life.
Knowledge and wisdom will come along with their heart.

So by joining TRIMULIA Senior High school, it means that you (parents) are going to be transformed into becoming wonderful parents that shall be able to accompany your children entering a bright future ahead.
When we are talking about our programs, it means that we are talking about the programs from heart.We are dealing with hearts.

Introducing our HOUSE program that will enhance empathy and care within the students.
Leadership programs shall creates Leaders of Tommorow through Student’s Council.
And the most important part of education is that we provide a pathway to University. Our school has made many MOU with Universities in order to provide previleges in a form of scholarships.
Make sure that you choose TRIMULIA HITS, to place your children so that they can be an excellent generation for the nation



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